Carrier Dome

CARRIER DOME CONCESSION STAND – Ongoing throughout Fall & Winter seasons

We staff a concession stand at the Dome for SU home football games, basketball games and some special events. We are fortunate to have this stand, as there is a waiting list for these lucrative moneymakers. We are responsible for fully staffing the stand during each scheduled event, and cleaning up afterwards. This can be a lot of fun and beneficial for your student account.

The Dome Concession Stand is our biggest fundraiser and needs everyone's help to make it a success. ALL member fees are subsidized by this fundraiser. There are a variety of dates/times during football and basketball season to accommodate everyone's schedule.

We have numerous ways you can sign up to work shifts at the Dome:

● Click the link in the Band Notes

● Visit our Website and click on the link "Dome Signup"

           ● Send an email to the Dome Coordinators at

Workers earn a flat fee towards their student account for each event worked! This is a great way to meet other band parents and to really put a dent in that student account. Our goal is that each member’s family can cover 3 shifts. Workers must be at least 16 years of age (this is a Dome rule, not ours) and family and friends can work towards your account. Band members are encouraged to work games that do not conflict with band.